Hey folks,
Here is your update for this week:
This Sunday:
We will meet at regular time, 6:00-7:30, to check in on mission projects and plan for our lock-in thats coming up on Friday.
Next Week:
The Lock-In will be Friday night, April 4, starting at 6PM. We will make plans and discuss details at our weekly meeting this week.
There will be a rehearsal for the youth music group after church on Sunday, April 6 for our Easter Sunday Special Music. If your child plays and instrument, please remind them to bring it home from school and to bring it to church that day. I will be in my Adult Sunday School Class, but our resident band director, Noel Wing, has agreed to lead the kids through rehearsal. He was my band director in high school and he's well qualified for the job.
There is no youth group next Sunday night, April 6, since I will be at Consistory.
Youth Sunday will be May 4. We will begin preparations for that at the Lock-In or the very next meeting after that. I will keep the kids up to date on that.
The youth mission project event supporting The Children's Hospital at Albany Medical Center will take place on Sunday May 18 at 6PM, so please plan to be here for that. We will be inviting the whole congregation to participate.
Moving Up Sunday will be June 15, so please plan on being with us for that worship service as well.
Camp Fowler is a great opportunity for your kids and a wonderful way to give them a "spiritual home" early in life. I hope that we can get a good number of our kids. I have already heard form a couple of you about your plans for this summer, but if you haven't registered your child yet, check out Camp's website, www.campfowler.org, and get them signed up. Our church provides $100 scholarships per child per week and all you have to do is contact Jen Kenneally and let her know that your child is registered and she'll take care of paying that portion of the fee.
I think that's all for now. As always, please let me know if your child can't be with us and thank you for keeping them involved in this community.
In Peace,