Hey folks,
Here is your update for this week.
This Week:
This Friday night we have the Lock-In. We will begin at 6 on Friday night. The kids should bring all the sleeping gear they and plenty of soft stuff to sleep on as we will be camping out on Poff Hall floor. They can also bring friends if you, as parents, deem them to be responsible and trustworthy. Our Lock-In will end at 9 am the next morning. We will be having breakfast around 8:00 and then packing up and cleaning up. So 9 should be a good pick-up time for you.
There is no Youth Group Meeting on Sunday night as I will be involved with Consistory. Please remember to check in with our Mission Projects to make sure that your kids are up to date on what they're doing.
Next Week:
We will be back on our regular schedule next week.
Those of you who have music playing kids should have recieved a separate email with details in regards to our youth music ensemble.
Youth Sunday - May 4
Youth Group Fundraiser for the Children's Hospital - May 18
Sing Forth The Kingdom Concert - June 1
Moving Up Sunday - June 15
Thanks so much for keeping your kids engaged!
In Peace,