Hey folks,
Your kids are great! I just want to say how inspired I am by them and their creativity and sense of caring as they have been at work on their Spring Mission Projects.
Last Week:
We had a great meeting on Sunday night where we selected teams to lead the entire youth group through our Mission Projects. Our three team leaders, Lily Becker, Josh Holbrook, and Cassidy Arocho have stepped up to see that their teams get everything done and have everything covered.
This Week:
We will meet at our regularly scheduled time on Sunday at 6:00 to check in with our projects and then to do some other fun stuff. Not sure yet what's on the agenda, but we won't spend the whole time on our projects.
Mission Projects:
Check the Spring Mission Projects page for information on this. Each of your kids has something to do for these mission projects and all the assignments can be found on this page. I will say that if your kids have a flyer to do(Lily, A'Shawna, Molly), they need to be emailed to me no later than next Wednesday, March 19. That is the most pressing thing and everything else can be found on the web page.
Youth Group Lock-In - Friday, April 4
Youth Sunday - Sunday, May 4
Youth Acolyte Training - Sunday May 4
That's all for now. Once again thanks for keeping your kids involved here at church. Whatever you can do to help them to get into a good healthy rhythm now is so important for not only their future, but for the future of the faith. Thanks for supporting this ministry.
In Peace,