Hey folks,
Here is your update for this week.
This Sunday:
We have mid-year check-ins happening this Sunday after church and before and after youth group. This is the schedule:
11:00 - Arocho
11:15 - Holbrook, S
11:30 - Holbrook, J
11:45 - Emerich
5:30 - Becker
5:45 - Mead
7:30 - Carlson
7:45 - Open
Youth Group will also be held on Sunday from 6:00-7:30.
Next Week:
There will be no youth group on Sunday, March 2, as I will be at Consistory. I have decided to stop trying to play double duty on those nights as I am not really able to engage fully with either group.
Mission Projects:
I will continue working on these mission projects that your kids came up with and get more details to you as I have them.
All the kids have been asking when the lock-in is going to be scheduled. I have added it to the church calendar on Friday, April 4. Please let me know if there is any reason why we should change that date.
Acolyte Meeting:
I would like to have the whol youth group together for an Acolyte Training and Scheduling Session on Sunday, April 27. This is the first Sunday after Easter and the first Sunday that I don't have anything immediately following Worship. We will meet with all the kids in the church and train them on acolyte duties, why its important, what its significance is to worship, and then with you parents present, we will schedule the remainder of Acolyte for the 2014 season. Please add this date to your family calendar and be sure to be with us for that.
I think thats all for this week. Please remember to keep me in the loop if your child is not going to be with us on Sunday Evenings.
In Peace,