Hey folks,
Here is your youth group update for this week.
This Week:
There is no youth group following church this Sunday as we will celebrating Consecration Sunday with the Brunch starting right after Worship. However, please have your children present to witness this milestone in our common life.
Roles in Worship:
Lily - Assurance and Law. Be here early for me to give you the heads up on this.
Josh, Sean - Greeters
Cole - Acolyte
Bill, Brandon - Collection
The Play:
Here are the items that we are working on for this coming week with the play:
Highlight all lines
Practice at home with someone
Bring a pencil and scripts to rehearsal
Look over the italics in the script to see your personal movements
Work on your own costume
We will have this Sunday and next Sunday with the scripts at rehearsal. On November 30, you will no longer be able to use your script for rehearsal. Please have lines memorized by then.
Forward Motion:
Synod-Wide Youth Lock-In at First Reformed Church of Albany - January 30 and 31. Please put this on the calendar to attend. It will be a great event with some other good kids and great adult leaders. We will have music, games, food, a special guest speaker, spiritual workshops, worship, and a service project or two to choose from.
Also, have your kids be thinking about two things regarding mission. First, what would they like to do with the money that they earned from the Spaghetti Supper? Second, why do we as a group of Christians do this kind of thing? Why would we use/donate money for a good cause? Is this required of us or something we do freely?
Thanks! Your child's participation in this community is extremely meaningful and formative for who they are in this world and in their relationship with the Triune God. Keep bring them to church!
In Peace,