Hey folks,
I am very excited to be bringing you this update from our website today! Here is what we have coming up with Youth Group.
This Week:
We will meet immediately following worship on Sunday to begin our set-up for our "Healthy Snack Booth." Just plan on being here. You won't need to bring anything. I will put some of you on picture duty if you have smart phones. So parents, its ok to let them bring them along even though we don't usually allow them. I would like o get some extra pictures for this site.
We will not be meeting on Sunday night since we will be at the church from 11:30-2:30. I want to leave the kids some time to spend with their families and their homework. ;)
Next Week:
Next week, we are back on our regular schedule of meeting after church and then again on Sunday night from 6:00-7:30.
Forward Motion:
Please keep the evening of Saturday October 12 open for the kids, as we will be hosting a Youth Group Bonfire here at the church. I will have more details here as we get closer and closer to this event.
Also, please remember that if your child is not going to be with us for any of our scheduled meetings, either after church, Sunday night, or special events. Please let me know, so that I know who to expect. I know that you're all very busy and that making every event that we have is not a reality, but for me to know who's coming and who's not is very helpful in both planning and peace of mind. :)
Thanks for all you do to support this ministry! Your kids make this congregation what it is!
In Peace,